Eddy Current Flaw Detectors

AeroCheck 2
The AeroCheck family currently includes the AeroCheck 2 and the AeroCheck+.
The AeroCheck 2 is the successor to the original AeroCheck, with the addition of software functions: Guides and Loop & Trace.
The AeroCheck+ has all the features of the Areocheck 2 with the addition of Dual Frequency and Conductivity Measurement.

AeroCheck 3
The new AeroCheck 3 delivers advanced NDT inspection features “at the turn of a wheel”.
Based on operator feedback and embracing the use of new materials, the AeroCheck 3 delivers to the end-user enhanced ruggedness, a toughened screen, improved connector access and performance, IP68 “top-face” connectors access, combined with optional features such as an encoder wheel. The AeroCheck 3 upholds the heritage of the established AeroCheck Series and delivers the best in Eddy Current performance, with rotary inspection capabilities as standard, together with variety of advanced features.

WeldCheck 2
The WeldCheck 2 EC Flaw Detector is a lightweight, compact instrument built in a tough aluminium casing.
WeldCheck+ improves on the WeldCheck 2 as it adds dual-frequency capability, Automatic Lift Off Gain Compensation and Conductivity Measurement. Dual-frequency allows coating thickness measurement alongside defect detection.
WeldCheck 3

The WeldCheck 3 is a dual-frequency eddy current flaw detector, with conductivity, which means that the instrument can be used for dual and single frequency applications.
With improved physical and ergonomic design the WeldCheck 3 brings ETher NDE’s WeldCheck series right up-to-date. Based on in-field operator feedback and embracing the use of new case materials, the WeldCheck 3 delivers the end user enhanced ruggedness, a toughened screen, improved connector access and performance, combined optional features such as an encoder wheel.
The WeldCheck 3 is ideal and adaptable across an extremely wide variety of eddy current inspection tasks due to its superior performance; including weld inspection, surface defect detection and low frequency inspection of non-ferrous material. Equipped for all environments The WeldCheck 3 has been built come up against some of the harshest working conditions in the NDT industry, including the rope access environment being lifted and lowered on ropes, knocked and dropped. With a rear foot stand and four harness attachment points, the WeldCheck 3 is adaptable to be used in various environments from the desktop, in the office, to the rigours of the job site. New over-moulded rubberised corners deliver enhanced impact protection and improved overall ruggedness. Internally the design is optimised to resist moist, tropical or salt-laden atmospheres, designed to meet IP64, performing reliably across inhospitable environments. Toughened daylight visible, large colour screen
Being able to see the instrument screen clearly throughout all types of weather and light conditions is a top priority. The WeldCheck 3 has a fully daylight readable 14.5cm LCD Colour Screen of 640 x 480 pixels ensuring the operator has crisp presentation no matter what the working conditions are. The screen is further enhanced with a 2mm thick anti-reflective polycarbonate protector sheet which has excellent impact strength and added UV protection thanks to an anti-glare coating. The operator has the choice of configuring their own colour schemes and display types, further optimising viewing ability according to environmental conditions.
Extraordinary battery life With more than 7 hours battery life, running with a 100kHz Weld Probe and maximum back-lighting, the WeldCheck 3 is an obvious choice when faced with a long day of Eddy Current NDT.

Introducing the latest addition to our core range, the PhaseCheck, an advanced dual probe, dual frequency advanced eddy current flaw detector with C-Scan capability.
For the first time in the field of portable NDT instruments the PhaseCheck delivers the operator with a hand-held high-end eddy current flaw detector package, delivering C-Scan data display. As the saying goes “a picture is worth a 1000 words” and to date “pictures” , such as the inspection data displayed in C-Scan images, have been limited to expensive large laboratory instruments.

Conductivity Meters

SigmaCheck 2
The SigmaCheck2 Eddy Current (ECT) Conductivity Meter is designed to provide the user with fast and accurate conductivity measurements at a reasonable price.
The SigmaCheck2 EC Conductivity Meter is extremely easy to use making it suitable for use by shop inspectors or engineers.
The SigmaCheck2 ET Conductivity meets the requirements for conductivity measurements in the Aircraft manufacture and maintenance fields where conductivity measurements are used to verify proper alloy/temper or detect heat damaged components. The SigmaCheck2 Eddy Current Conductivity Meter is also useful to determine the purity of precious metals (counterfeit detection) such as gold bullion and coins.

Eddy Current Probes

ETher NDE can offer a full range of Standard Probes, Weld Probes, Special Probe Design services and a wide choice of Probe Accessories. With Probe manufacturing based in-house, ETher have the ability to guarantee you the quality you expect from you Eddy Current Probes.
Magnetic Flux Leakage.

SteelCheck is a battery operated 3 channel (Hall Sensor and 2 coil) tube inspection unit for Carbon Steel (Ferromagnetic Tubes) using Magnetic Flux Leakage. Unlike other remote field eddy current method it is unaffected by external Aluminium Fins and has the capability to discriminate between external and internal defects. Packaged as a highly portable, battery operated flaw detector at an attractive price, the SteelCheck offers exceptional value for money.
Eddy Current Instruments

The ETi-300 and Ether’s suite of software solutions deliver an advanced end-to-end solution for tube inspectors. Realizing that the inspection process is more than just recording data the ETi-300 was conceived to work with a software suite of solutions, improving on-site workflow and delivering rapid and accurate reporting.
ETi-300 Eddy Current Flaw
The ETi-300 is an advanced eddy current tube testing instrument for inspecting non-ferrous tubing from the inner diameter (ID), developed by ETher NDE to perform in the most demanding of environments whilst delivering outstanding inspection results and reporting functionality. Eddy Current testing has long been acknowledged as the fastest, most efficient, and most effective inspection method to inspect the large quantity of non-ferrous tubes present in a typical heat exchanger. The ETi-300 instrument and its suite of analysis and reporting software are ideal for heat exchanger and condenser inspection applications within Power Generation, Transportation, Petrochemical Oil, and Gas industries.

As part of the Tube Inspection suite of solutions we offer:
TMR Mapping allows tube map templates to be created to enable inspection planning using either photographs, drawings, or rapid manual entry
ETherMap is the Data Analysis software for the ETi-300
TMR Reporting processes the analyzed data and turns it into a meaningful and informative report.
Data Analysis & User interface
ETherMap is not only the data analysis tool but also the main user interface to the head-less (no screen) instrument. This versatile software was developed to be directly connected to our latest instruments where it can control and receive live inspection data in the field, or work with previously recorded data. EtherMap is an intuitive user interface for the ETi 300 operator, capable of processing and analyzing data on its own or as an integral part of our end-to-end offering with TMR. When integrated with TMR the user can go all the way from Tube Map design, inspection, and analysis to report generation.
Inspection planning with TMR ET*
Advanced Tub Mapping Software
In order to offer the best user experience when it comes to tube map design and report generation, Ether NDE has teamed up with Talcyon Pte Ltd, to deliver advanced Tube Mapping Software (TMR) which is second to none in its features and ease of use. Tube Mapping Software (TMR) is a solution intuitively designed with the operator and tube inspection task in mind; specifically to produce an accurate layout and labelling of tubes on a tube sheet. Upload a photograph or schematic diagram of the tube sheet and create a map of the tube sheet, assigning a number to each of the tube openings. The “tube sheet” presents the software with a graphic representation, which helps to track which tubes have already been measured, aiding efficient workflow, labelled, and mapped.
ID Bobbin Probes
Ether NDE design and manufacture a wide range of ID (Internal Diameter) Differential Bobbin probes:
Probe diameters from 7.5 to 150mm, available in 0.1mm steps
Dis-connectable and integral probe cables
Cable lengths from 3 to 30 meters
Frequency range from 2.7 kHz to 1MHz, centre frequencies 2.7, 10, 24, 76, 190, 400kHz
Report Creation with TMR ET*
Automated Report Creation
A fast reporting software designed to manage data gathered from inspections, with the capability to present inspection data in easy-to-read formats. Reports are generated using the simple user interface, whilst fully-customizable reporting and output are easily configurable. Report templates are viable to save time and can be built and populated by simply placing elements using a “drag and drop” method. Bespoke and unique reports can be delivered using the report-building software features to customize your reports.

Veescan Automated Wheel Inspection Systems

The VEESCAN is ETher's first Wheel Inspection System and offers maximum flexibility. The VEESCAN has a proven mechanical design and established record of breakdown-free operation for 365 days or more. Appealing to many companies in the Aerospace industry, the VEESCAN is ideal in all aircraft wheel-testing environments.
The VEESCAN is able to be configured with a wide choice of probes and allows any wheel testing facility the flexibility to select the system most compatible with their workload. Teamed with a full choice of operation modes, the VEESCAN maximizes the probability of detection.
The VEESCAN is offered with the ETher NDE guarantee of complete client satisfaction and excellent technical support.